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Basic shapes can be made within CC. For example, a cube kan be flattened and with a good texture, made into a simple door. More advanced models than that requires a modelling software. Often you'll need that even if you only download models from sites, because either they don't import correctly so they have to be repaired, or you need to make some other changes to them.

You'll need to work on your models, because it's as important as eating is for us as living beings: We need food or we will not perform well in daily life, and the more complicated our tasks are, the more problems will occur. Same goes for models. Bad models functions bad in Coppercube, which makes your whole project look and behave strange the more models and beahaviours and stuff that you add to it.

Be sure to study modelling. Find a software that suits you and go look for the good tutorials out there (there are som bad ones - skip them!). You Tube is a good place to start searching. Also you could download some models and have a look at have they are made. You could also do these studies on Sketchfab, where you can easily check models with/without textures, zoom, turn them around, etc.

There are some great modelling softwares out there:

Pages in category "Modelling"

This category contains only the following page.